Integration Paper for Inspection Agencies from the State Council
2014/2/20 11:14:51 Views£º1400
successive outbreak such as “melamine-tainted milk”, “PM-2.5 pollution”, and“ hepatitis vaccine deaths” have brought the medical laboratory industry in public. According to related authorities, State Council is due to release “announcement of implanting adversary for integration Laboratory and Testing Identify Institution” (hereinafter briefly referred as “Adversary”), which will facilitate laboratory and testing institution greatly.
Integration plan is to be released:
According to related authority, target for laboratory and testing institution is, by 2015, the basic completion of public institutions integration, the accomplishment of transformation from public institutions into business enterprise, the initial formation of marketing competence pattern, perfection of relevant policy and regulation, the cultivation of laboratory and testing indentify enterprise brand with powerful ability, qualified service as well as large scales and favorable profit.
By 2010, laboratory and testing institution should grow big and strong in the scopes of clear positioning, well-regulated and ruled-management and function mechanism, as well as laboratory and testing identify system with reasonable layout and powerful strengthen.
In fact, Chinese government has cast more and more attention on laboratory and testing industry’s development and reformation in recent years. “Decision from CPC Central Committee to comprehensive and in-depth reformation on some big issues” (hereinafter briefly referred as “Decision”) explicitly put forwarded, “laboratory and testing institution with same or similar business shall be integrated. ”
The “Adversary” is just the specific interpretation and implantation of “decision”. Liu zhan, an officer on General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China, expressed that the general idea of integration was to, in line with State Council’s requirement of institution reformation and function transformation, fully display, fully embody public institution’s reformation spirit, and obey the guidelines of the establishment of public-good governmental laboratory and testing institution and managerial social laboratory and testing institution as well as the direction of “professional promotion, collectivized integration, marketing function and international development”.
According to the schedule, the integration plan will enacted and implemented in 2014.By 2005, the inside- and outside- system institution integration shall be basically accomplished. The integration steps are listed as:
First, combine the classification to push forward the public enterprise’s reformation, to advance relevant departments and intra-industry or departmental integration;
Second, boost trans-department, trans-industry and trans-class information;
Third, make public institution delink with government and transform into business enterprise.
“Transformation of our country’s present economic structure is speeding up, development driven by creation has ascended as national strategy, and great opportunity will be coming to laboratory and testing industry.” Liu Peng said, “integration is not terrible, but a chance£¬ and if together with encouraging policies, this industry will have a brilliant future with great potentiality”.
At present, our country’s laboratory and testing industry is in rapid development. Xiao Jiliang, director of a relevant authority department, calculated that, “Marketing scale laboratory and testing industry will reach 167.8 billion by 2013, 210.5 billion by 2014, 257.4 billion by 2015.
“Laboratory and testing integration are speeding up, institutions are in diversification, and marketization is in more evident tendency”. Xiao liang thought this was the most precise description to our country’s laboratory and testing industry’s development.
With the high-speed development, the expanding scale as well as the undergoing marketization, the original state-owned enterprise’ monopoly state is expected to change. At present, a group of excellent private enterprises are springing out in intra-industry, taking the “Center Testing International”. At the same time, overseas-funded enterprises are also making schedules to expand Chinese market.
Insiders of this industry forecast that, in laboratory and testing industry, after the release of the hereinbefore documents, state-owned institutions’ monopoly state will be changed; nevertheless, great opportunity will be fallen on private and third-part laboratory enterprise.
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