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Minimally invasive medical import business

2017/1/4 13:36:30 Views£º824

Recently, minimally invasive Medical science co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "minimally invasive medicine") and the United States shares listed Medical devices company Lombard Medical announced that the two sides reached a strategic cooperation and minimally invasive Medical to LombardMedical funding agreement.

Minimally invasive Medical enjoy Lombard, according to the relevant provisions of the agreement that dominate the two flagship products in China's exclusive rights, and has produced for the Chinese market the two products of technology license. The two products will be conducting clinical trials, and is expected to 2019 CFDA registration permission. At the same time, the Lombard, Medical, and minimally invasive Medical will come to an agreement parts supply production, by minimally invasive Medical part of spare parts for Aorfix and Altura product line production. In addition, the minimally invasive medical enjoy Aorfix and Altura exclusivity in the Brazilian market.

At the same time, minimally invasive Medical and a number of investors in the form of buying common stock and convertible bonds to Lombard Medical invested a total of $15 million. Among them, the minimally invasive Medical and other investors, including minimally invasive Medical executive layer, to the subscription price of $0.62 per share subscription Lombard Medical $5 million of common shares, equivalent to 29% of its outstanding common stock equity. In addition, Lombard Medical to minimally invasive Medical and an investor issued a five-year $10 million of unsecured promissory note, the interest rate for 6 months of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) rise 4%, in the bill expires, minimally invasive Medical and the investors shall have the right to transfer them to Lombard Medical common stock, the initial conversion price of $0.90 per share. If the bond is converted into common stock, minimally invasive Medical and the investor will account for Lombard Medical fully diluted shares 49% of the company. After the completion of the deal, minimally invasive Medical will be Lombard, Medical, a total of five people take two directors in the board seats.

Minimally invasive Medical Dr Chang Zhaohua, chairman and chief executive, said: "we are very glad to will Aorfix and Altura both extremely unique products include minimally invasive Medical aortic vascular lumen in the interventional treatment product line, which will further strengthen our leading position in China and other emerging markets. In addition, we believe that the next will be a cooperation will greatly reduce the Aorfix parts production and Altura production cost, improve its performance, increasing its profitability and market competitiveness. We look forward to working with Lombard, Medical, common to give priority to provide high-end products intracavitary aneurysm patients."

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China Association of In-vitro Diagnostics

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