IVD China last week: Wondfo, Maccura and AmoyDx
2024/8/5 17:44:10 Views£º374Wondfo's test receives WHO PQ certification
Wondfo Biotech announced that recently, the company received a letter of confirmation of in vitro diagnostic prequalification (PQ) from the World Health Organization (WHO), and was informed that the company's malaria test product has passed the prequalification of the World Health Organization (WHO), and has been included in the Recommended Procurement List of In Vitro Diagnostic Products by WHO. The name of the product is Wondfo Malaria P.f (HRP2/pLDH) Test, which is used for the qualitative detection of Plasmodium falciparum-specific histidine-rich protein-2 (P.fHRP2) and Plasmodium falciparum-specific lactate dehydrogenase (P.fpLDH) in human finger and venous whole blood. This product is used as an aid in the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection in symptomatic patients, including pediatric testing. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals for in vitro diagnostic purposes only.
African group visits Wondfo to build a healthy silk road together
Recently, Yitayish Mekonnen, Head of Laboratory of the United Nations Healthcare Center of the Africa Division of the United Nations Economic Commission, Kalifa Manneh, Head of Laboratory of the African Union Commission's Directorate of Medical and Health Services, and other delegation visited China and went to the Third Hospital Affiliated to the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to conduct academic exchanges in China-Africa laboratory medicine, to learn about China's advanced experience in medical testing, and to experience the innovative achievements of Chinese IVD companies. The delegation visited the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for academic exchanges in Chinese and African laboratory medicine, to learn more about China's advanced experience in medical testing and to experience the innovative achievements of Chinese IVD companies in Wondfo Biotech (300482). The delegation highly appreciated the innovative practice of Chinese laboratory medicine, and believed that these advanced experiences and innovative technologies can provide great help for diagnosis and treatment, and are of great significance for African countries to improve the level of medical services and narrow the medical gap.
Maccura's 2024 semi-annual net income reaches RMB 202 million, up 15.38% YOY
Maccura disclosed the semi-annual report on August 1, 2024, the company achieved operating income of RMB 1.279 billion, down 7.37% from the same period of the previous year; net profit attributable to mothers of RMB 202 million, an increase of 15.38% year-on-year, deducted net profit of RMB 199 million, an increase of 11.49% year-on-year; basic earnings per share of RMB 0.33.
AmoyDx's 2024 half-year net income achieves RMB 144 million, up 13.49% YOY
AmoyDx disclosed the semi-annual report on July 30, 2024. During the reporting period, the company realized operating revenue of RMB 543 million, an increase of 18.38% year-on-year; net profit of RMB 144 million, an increase of 13.49% year-on-year; deducted net profit of RMB 132 million, an increase of 20.72% year-on-year; and basic earnings per share of RMB 0.36.
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