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New Volume of In Vitro Diagnostic Industry in China Released!

2024/5/16 18:14:43 Views£º164

Published by Springer-Verlag, In Vitro Diagnostic Industry in China is a specialized English monograph that fills a gap and provides a detailed introduction to the history, current status, outstanding companies and products of China's IVD industry. 

The publication and distribution of this book facilitate the internationalization of China's IVD industry, enhance the world's understanding of the development and progress of China's IVD industry, and increase the awareness of China's excellent IVD products.


This book was strongly supported by China Association of In-Vitro Diagnostics (CAIVD) and Springer-Verlag. It was jointly compiled by well-known experts, professors and entrepreneurs in the field of IVD industry.


The editors-in-chief of the book are Prof. Haibo Song and Dr. Lizhong Dai.

The second volume of In Vitro Diagnostic Industry in China provides a scientific and systematic account of the current state and achievements of various sectors within China's IVD industry, encompassing the following aspects:


1. Annual industry report

2. Policies, regulations, and standards

3. Hot technologies and products

4. Trends in academia, technology and product development within specific subfields

5. Industry investment, mergers and acquisitions

6. Development of listed companies


About the Editors

Prof. Haibo Song

Chairman of China Association of In-Vitro Diagnostics, Director of IVD Industrial Development Institute, SAEM, Founder of CACLP


Dr. Lizhong Dai 

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sansure, a deputy to the National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of China Association of In-Vitro Diagnostics

Subscription Account

China Association of In-vitro Diagnostics

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