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Diagnostics companies jump into rapidly growing market for POC superbug tests

2015/11/24 9:40:23 Views£º1086

As the number of drug-resistant superbug infections continues to rise, diagnostics companies are rolling out rapid, point-of-care devices that can quickly identify infectious bacteria and potentially cut down on the need for unnecessary antibiotics, cashing in on a growing market for the tools.The market for point-of-care diagnostics for infectious disease rings in at $533 million and is growing 7% a year. And for diagnostics makers with related tests, this could translate into a big opportunity.

Companies making the tools are rushing to market, unveiling new devices that respond to a growing trend and snatching up businesses to expand their portfolio. Sunnyvale, CA-based Cepheid was at the forefront of the action, launching in 2007 a one-hour MRSA test. The product, which runs at about $40, is more expensive than a slower lab test that costs about $1. But Cepheid found a market for its tool, convincing "hospitals they'd save money in overall costs of care by stratifying patients," Leerink Partners analyst Dan Leonard said, as quoted by the WSJ.

Diagnostics giant Roche also sees big potential in rapid drug-resistant bacteria tests. In August, the company snatched up superbug testing outfit GeneWEAVE BioSciences for $425 million to get its hands on GeneWEAVE's Smarticles technology. The products pinpoint drug-resistant bacteria by making them shine if an antibiotic is present.

Some companies are facing a more difficult path with their products. Waltham, MA-based Alere rolled out its rapid diagnostic for chest infections 10 years ago, and the tool is used in fewer than half of European countries despite evidence in its favor, the WSJ reports.

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