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The Annual Report of China IVD Industry 2021 Part II-II Challenges

2023/11/21 12:42:36 Views£º442

2.4    Fiercer market competition

At present, domestic IVD enterprises face multiple challenges. On the one hand, foreign-funded enterprises have been expanding their presence in the Chinese market in succession, Danaher, Beckman, and Roche have constantly increased their investment in China during the pandemic period, and built new production and R&D centers. The R&D centers and production bases of Perkin Elmer, Ortho and other international enterprises in China have been increasingly put into use. Thelaunch of Hitachi's first domestic 3500 biochemical analysis system in the Suzhou factory marks that the layout, acquisition and strategic cooperation of international enterprises in China are accelerating. There is an objective gap between domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises in terms of global operation capability. In the international market, our domestic enterprises mainly focus on the markets of developing countries such as Asian, African and Latin American countries, and their market share in developed countries such as European countries and the United States is still small. Therefore, if a domestic IVD enterprise wants to become a company with global influence and obtain better development space, it must go abroad. The sooner the layout, the better. In the future, for excellent IVD enterprises, global operation is a must, which requires us to constantly accumulate experience and practice, strengthen the construction of our product lines and product quality, and build channels and systems for products to go abroad.

On the other hand, a large number of IVD enterprises are vying to be listed. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 2000 IVD manufacturers in China, 52 A-share listed companies, 18 new listed companies in 2021, and 10-20 companies are expected to be listed in the next two years. This reflects the prosperity of IVD industry, and also means that the competition among enterprises will be more intense in the future. Therefore, in the future, domestic IVD enterprises need to strengthen their quality control and the requirements for standardized and large-scale production. Only by improving their competitiveness can they stand out in the fierce competition and meet new development opportunities.

Last: Challenges Pt.1

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