Let the positive energy to shape your life
2015/11/12 10:34:17 Views£º1190The messages we choose to broadcast both on and offline not only predict our levels of happiness and success, but that of the people in our life. Our words have the power to fuel performance and influence business and educational outcomes.
Studies show expressing a positive outlook improves: Engagement, intelligence, energy, profitability. Having a positive outlook can lead to getting an accurate result 19% faster.
Beginning your meeting by praising a team member's recent success can raise team performance by 31%.
Optimistic salespeople outsell their negative coworkers, reporting 37% higher sales.
Employees who focus on the positive receive 25 % higher performance ratings.
Changing your mindset by viewing stress as enhancing, and as a tool to help you focus in the face of challenges, rather than as debilitating and as a roadblock to success, can lead to a 23% reduction in stress-related symptoms, like headaches and fatigue.
3 ways to boost your signal as a positive broadcaster
1.The power lead
Starting a meeting with the company's recent wins.
When someone asks how you are doing, looking for something positive and helpful to share rather than automatically replying "I m fine."
2.Send a positive email
A brief email sent to a team member praising his or her recent success can really set the tone for continued high performance and create a positive work environment. By focusing what is going right, you encourage future success.
3.Make a gratitude board
Display a bulletin board or designate a space where colleagues can write something that they're grateful for on a card and add it to the board. It's a great way to make a strong visual impact that shows your team focuses on success, while getting employees in the habit of scanning for the positive.
You are a broadcaster, and with that comes great power and responsibility. The messages we choose to broadcast shape other's views of the world and how they operate within it. Broadcast happiness to fuel success.
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