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The Annual Report of China IVD Industry 2021 Part I-VI Industry forums and conferences

2023/10/10 11:17:40 Views£º468

6    Industry forums and conferences

6.1    Major Chinese forums

a.    Immuno-therapy & Companion Diagnostic Development Conference

b.    China International Medical Innovation Forum (CMIF)

c.    IVD China Summit (during CMEF) 

d.    China Medical Laboratory Summit

e.    World Precision Medicine (China) Summit

f.    China IVD Industry Investment CEO Conference

g.    Molecular Diagnostic Technology and Application Forum

h.    Molecular Diagnostics Summit (During the Enmore EBC Bioindustry Conference)

i.    China IVD Industry Development Conference

6.2    Major Chinese expos

a.    China International Medical Equipment (Autumn) Fair CMEF

b.    National Conference of Clinical Laboratory Management and 2021 Clinical Examination Equipment and Products Exhibition CCLAB

c.    National Conference & Expo of Laboratory Medicine of the Chinese Medical Association NCLM

d.    National Conference of Clinical Laboratory Medicine Technology and Application, "Belt and Road" Laboratory Summit, and National Clinical Laboratory Equipment Exhibition CCLTA

e.    Annual Meeting of Laboratory Physicians of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and National Laboratory and Clinical Conference (CDMA)

f.    China International Medical Equipment (Spring) Fair CMEF

g.    China (International) Laboratory Medicine and Blood Transfusion Instrument and Reagent Expo

h.    "Voice of Innovation" China Experimental Medicine Conference CCEM

6.3    Industry associations

Last: General development trends of future technology and products Pt. 2

Next: Part II Opportunities and challenges

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China Association of In-vitro Diagnostics

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