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KHB Acquired TGS

2015/11/9 9:48:58 Views£º1030

Recently£¬KHB signed the equity transfer agreement with the IBSA£¬Bouty£¬Altergon Italia and Mr.Cincotti. KHB agreed to contribute capital to establish the KHB Italy by KHB Hong Kong and Altergon Italia. KHB Hong Kong contribute capital € 28.8 million has 80% shares of KHB Italy. Altergon Italia has 20% shares by its hold’s diagnostic business assets to contribute capital in KHB Italy.

In KHB Hong Kong’s € 28.8 million capital contribution£¬ €18.8 million used for KHB Italy to acquire TGS from Bouty. TGS’s main business is production and sales diagnostic reagents.

The acquisition of assets include international advanced in vitro diagnostic reagents and automatic chemiluminescence instrument and related technologies.

Besides that, with the opening of the two-child policy, the field of ToRCh will have a good opportunity to develop. With the acquisition, it will diversify its product line and quick into the pregnancy test market. Base on its China market’s sales network and channel resources, it will expanding the market share of ToRCH and AID, driving the other series product sales and improving the company's business scale and business performance significantly.

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