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Overview of the Chinese Blood Gas Diagnostic Market

2023/4/25 17:08:26 Views£º402

Blood gas diagnosis mainly involves measuring the pH value, pCO2, pO2, and other gases dissolved in human blood to understand the body's respiratory function and acid-base balance status. It is mainly applied in intensive care units (ICUs), cardiac care units, operating rooms, and emergency rooms. The development of blood gas diagnostic instruments and supporting reagents is difficult, with high technical barriers, and the mainstream products in the domestic market are still dominated by overseas brands.


Currently, there are two types of blood gas diagnostic analyzers on the market, dry and wet methods. Wet-type blood gas analyzer is suitable for clinical scenarios that require accurate measurement of various indicators, such as ICU and operating rooms. Dry-type blood gas analyzer is suitable for rapid diagnosis and emergency situations, such as emergency departments, ambulances, and field rescues. Blood gas electrolyte point-of-care test is mainly used for the diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory failure, surgical procedures, rescue, and monitoring processes. Its main places of use include ICU, cardiac care units, operating rooms, and emergency departments.


However, because blood gas electrolyte point-of-care test detects arterial blood, it requires high requirements for blood sampling techniques. This has previously limited the development of this product. With the change in market demand brought about by the fact that large electrode devices are not suitable for bedside testing, and the academic promotion and education work of overseas brands such as Radiometer and Werfen, the technology for arterial blood sampling has become more popular, and blood gas electrolyte point-of-care test is expected to enter a period of rapid growth.


According to statistics from Medtech Insight, the global blood gas analysis market size increased from USD 1.6 billion in 2016 to USD 2.78 billion in 2020. The global market share is mainly occupied by Radiometer, Werfen, and Abbott. With the advancement of technology and the further strengthening of downstream market demand, it is expected that the global blood gas analysis market size will reach about USD 6 billion by the end of 2025.


In recent years, due to the rapid development of the Chinese medical level and the acceleration of the aging population trend, the demand for blood gas analysis in the Chinese market has continued to rise. According to the "2019-2020 China Blood Gas Analysis Market Status" released by CAIVD, the scale of the Chinese blood gas analysis market has increased from CNY 1.561 billion in 2018 to CNY 2.032 billion in 2020. Radiometer, Werfen, Abbott, Roche, Nova, and Siemens respectively occupy about 28%, 24%, 16%, 12%, 9%, and 5.4% of the domestic blood gas diagnostic market share.

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