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Sansure collaborated with Singlera to enter the 100 billion CNY tumor early-screening market!

2023/3/3 18:00:58 Views£º482

Recently, Sansure and Singlera jointly established Jiangsu Yang Shengyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of 10 million CNY at Yangzhou City. It is reported that the two sides set up the joint venture company, according to the relevant national policies and combined with the advantages of both sides to carry out a wide range of livelihood projects cooperation, to improve the health of the whole population to contribute, will also be in ctDNA extraction, methylation processing automation equipment, cancer species, cancer application segmentation and international market development and other aspects of extensive cooperation.


Singlera announced the completion of 300 million CNY Series B+ financing. In this round of financing, Sansure, as a strategic investor has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Singlera to develop the field of early tumor screening. This round of financing will be used to further expand the company's R&D pipeline of early tumor screening products and continue to promote the registration and production of each product, commercialization and international market development.

On Feb. 27, Sansure released its 2022 annual earnings report. 2022, it achieved total revenue of about 6.48 billion CNY, up 43.50% year-on-year; net profit attributable to owners of the parent company exceeded 2 billion CNY, down slightly by 10.52% year-on-year. Sansure focuses on building a full ecological strategy in the field of in vitro diagnostics, promotes the deepening of the precision diagnosis and treatment system, accelerates the breakthrough of strategic production lines, and launches a number of high-quality products dedicated to solving industry pain points and difficulties, such as respiratory pathogenic bacteria six tests, whooping cough and HPV 23 typing.


According to the latest global cancer data, 4.57 million new cancer cases and about 3 million deaths will occur in China in 2020. The 5-year survival rate for cancer nationwide will be no less than 46.6% by 2030. Early tumor screening is of great significance for cancer prevention and control, which can effectively reduce the burden of medical expenditures and improve survival rates. It is widely believed that China's cancer early screening market will soon reach a scale of 100 billion. A research report by Industrial Securities in 2020 predicted that China's pan-cancer early screening market size will be able to reach 52.2 billion CNY in 2035 for the detection of specific cancer types, liver cancer, for example, the market space is about 7.9 billion CNY. A research report by Guoyuan Securities mentioned that the potential market space for liver cancer and colorectal cancer early screening is expected to be 10.65 billion CNY and 9.6 billion CNY respectively in 2030.

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