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Wangjian In BGI: China will build 10 precision medical center

2015/10/15 9:59:41 Views£º972

Recently, Wangjian, CEO of BGI disclosed something when participating certain summit: China will built 10 precision medical center, and BGI applied one.

Precision medicine is becoming a focus in the inside and outside industry. According to previous report, National Health and Family Planning Committee and MOST held meetings several times to demonstrate and launch the “Precision Medicine” plan which would expected to be listed into the 13th Five-Year Plan for major project of science research , and will invest £¤60 billion in this field till 2030.

Until the end of the Jan., President Obama has proposed the “Precision Medicine” plan in his State of the Union Address. After that, several departments in US announced details to respond the plan such as FDA planed to set up a platform named Precision FDA to supply a cloud tool of genetic info. storing and sharing for researchers, new generation sequencing developers, etc. Not long ago, Francis Collins, director of NIH announced that NIH commenced to collect a million of Americans` genetic info.

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