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The 2nd China Key Raw Material & Parts Forum Was Success

2022/11/17 17:59:07 Views£º930

The 2nd China Key Raw Material & Parts Forum was held on October 26, 2022 at the Conference Center of Nanchang Greenland Primus Hotel. More than 318,000 people watched the forum online through the People's Daily Health Client and CAIVD cloud platform!

Breakthrough in key technologies, industry synergy! The forum was chaired by Professor Song Haibo, Associate Dean of Shanghai Academy of Experimental Medicine, Vice Chairman of National Association, Health Industry Enterprise Management, Chairman of China Association of In-Vitro Diagnostics, Vice Chairman of China Association for Analysis Test, Labeled Immunoassay Committee, Standing Committee of National Clinical Laboratory Testing and Invitro Diagnostic Test Systems, Honorary Chief Editor of VIEW, Founder of CACLP, and Professor Wang Hualiang, Dean of Shanghai Academy of Experimental Medicine, Chairman of PCEM, Vice Chairman of CAIVD, Chief Editor of VIEW. Cui Peng, Founder and Chairman of Fapon Group, was the Chairman of the Forum, Professor Zhang Huisheng, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University Health Science Center, and Dr. Yang Guangyu, Researcher of School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was the Executive Chairman of the Forum.

The leaders and guests attending this forum also include: Professor Feng Yan, Executive Vice President of the School of Life Science and Technology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Doctoral Supervisor, Chief Scientist of the 973 Program, Executive Director of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Director of the Enzymology Committee of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Member of the Enzyme Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Microbiology, Professor Xu Hong, Researcher of School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, doctoral supervisor and Changjiang scholar, Dr. Wang Danni, Deputy Chief Engineer of Beijing Hamamatsu Photonics Technology Co., Ltd., Dr. Zhou Lianqun, Researcher, Ph.D. Tutor, Director of the Medical Laboratory Technology Laboratory of Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Executive Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Biomedical Laboratory Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Adjunct professor of University of Science and Technology of China and Fudan University, Mr. Shao Junbin, Chairman of Shanghai Zhijiang Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Mr. Luo Xi, Executive Director of China Renaissance Fund, Mr. Huang Jiang, Vice President of Telford Capital, Mr. Ge Cheng, Vice President of Shenzhen Share Growth Management Co. Ltd. and Han Shuai, Marketing Director, and Luo Liangwen, Brand Management Director of Fapon Group.

The 2nd China Key Raw Material & Parts Forum was successfully concluded with warm applause and the participants took a group photo.

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