Login APP For Your Genomic Sequencing In Future
2015/9/24 9:59:00 Views£º1129CEO from Illumina the company of genomic sequencing announced recently: how to make the consumers interested in genomic sequencing? To create a huge APP application store to save gene information.
It is reported that Illumina cooperated with the two companies of US Warburg Pincus and Sutter Hill Investment Company to injection $100 million dollar for a company named “Helix” whose aim is to make the genomic sequencing become the mainstream of internet.
To open a genomic sequencing APP store
Many technological companies are touched by the genome price, especially Illumina. The company located in San Diego in US who` s a winner within the competitors. It has already controlled the most part of US genomic sequencing market. Last year, genomic sequencing equipment, drugs and experiment took $1.8 billion dollar revenue to it.
In the United States, the work of genomic sequencing will be operated by laboratory in hospitals as well as several national items. The establishment of Helix is related to the last untouched market: general consumers. But till now, consumers are tepid to genomic sequencing, because for healthy people it` s not that important. Even though, it just costs around $ 2,000 dollar but not deserve for most of people. While an application store for genomic sequencing use only will not seem too cold.
Expecting “Killer” APP Application
The idea in the back of Helix is very cool——your gene information stored in Cloud and can be visited by cool APP, additionally, continuously gene information is truly a wealth to Helix.
However, there are some drawbacks, the key point is privacy. But that will not block the big trend. Most of technology enterprises are expecting to crash sparks with genomic sequencing consumers including Google and Apple whom are doing the same exploration.
Flattery said one of Helix target is “Inspiring the big developers to attract more people concerning this field and finding the Killer Application”.
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