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The 24th annual meeting of China Association for Science and Technology: Sansure Biotech was awarded.

2022/6/29 17:23:40 Views£º533

From June 26th to 27th, the 24th annual meeting of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) with the theme of ¡°Innovation and Leadership, Self-reliance and Self-improvement - to Create a New Engine for the Rise of Central China¡± was held by CAST and the People's Government of Hunan Province in Changsha, Hunan province. During the meeting, Sansure Biotech was awarded the plaque by CAST, and was invited to speak as a representative of private enterprises in Hunan Province.


The annual meeting of CAST is a high-level, comprehensive and large-scale scientific and technological event in China. Sansure Biotech participated in three special events of this annual meeting.


On June 25, at the key event of the annual meeting of CAST - the Enterprise Innovation and Development Forum and the Organization and Construction Promotion Meeting of the CAST Enterprise, the award ceremony of the science and technology leading enterprises was held.


Six leading scientific and technological enterprises, including Sansure Biotech, China Coal Technology Engineering Group, China National Chemical (601117) Engineering Group, and SANY Group, accepted the plaque issued by CAST on the spot.


As the grass-roots organization of CAST, Sansure Biotech attaches great importance to the construction of the enterprise association for science and technology, gives full play to the advantages of scientific and technological talents, innovation platforms, and good basic conditions. Sansure Biotech is committed to building a pool of scientific and technological talents cultivation, a place where innovative achievements emerge, a new center for scientific and technological exchanges, and an industry-university-research cooperation institute. Sansure Biotech fully serves scientific and technological innovation, industrial development and people's livelihood and health, assists China's high-quality development,  construction of an innovative and healthy country, and makes positive contributions to the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement!


On June 27, at the CAST¡¯s Science Technology and Economic Integration Summit Forum, Sansure Biotech spoke as the only representative of the private enterprises in Hunan province. Dai Lizhong, chairman of the board, shared with a number of academicians and experts the exploration of full-scenario solutions for molecular diagnostics, focusing on the theme of "universally benefiting gene technology and people's health", combined with Sansure Biotech industry and its specific practice in the field of molecular diagnostics.


On June 27th, at the high-end dialogue site of "Qing¡¤Chuang¡¤Hui", Liu Jia, deputy general manager of Sansure Biotech and president of the Institute of Life Sciences, was hired by Hunan Association for Science and Technology as a member of the "Science and Technology China" Xiaoxiang Youth Hundred People's Association. Then, with the title of "Science and Technology Fight Against the Epidemic, Protect Health - Sansure Biotech Youth's Exploration and Practice in Universal and Full-Scenario Nucleic Acid Detection", he vividly interpreted "youth is worthy of the times" based on his own experience and the company's practice.


As a leading representative enterprise of science and technology in China, Sansure Biotech has always adhered to the positioning of science and technology innovation, continuously improved its scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and been committed to making genetic technology accessible to everyone. Sansure Biotech has developed more than 500 kinds of cost-effective products that benefit people, provided more than 2,200 testing services, and won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, National Innovation Award, G20 Medical Innovation Award (the only one in China) and many other important scientific and technological honors. In the future, Sansure Biotech will strive to build an international platform enterprise, forge ahead towards the goal of becoming a world-class enterprise, and promote gene technology to become the backbone of serving human health.

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China Association of In-vitro Diagnostics

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