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After the COVID-19, the five potential tracks of Chinese IVD industry!

2022/6/13 16:20:56 Views£º449

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the IVD industry has developed rapidly in the past two years, a large amount of capital and talents have poured in. However, with the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the IVD industry is also returning to the original normal track. It is inevitable that the industry will usher in a structural adjustment, which will be mainly reflected in the business direction, personnel structure optimization and capital flow. There are five potential tracks of IVD industry after the COVID-19 epidemic.

1.    COVID-19 nucleic acid detection related derivatives track

With the support of Chinese policies, the market related to COVID-19 testing is undoubtedly a track with great potential. Affected by the epidemic prevention and control policy, new business formats will be formed that will gradually develop into various fields centered on nucleic acid testing, such as the recently popular nucleic acid sampling booths, nucleic acid samplers, nucleic acid testers, etc. With this new business format, the formation of the epidemic will continue to siphon the resources of society during the normalization of the epidemic in the future.

2.    High-end IVD instruments and parts market

Whether it is the 14th Five-Year Bioeconomic Plan issued by Guangzhou or the 14th Five-Year Bioeconomic Plan issued by the state, the localization of high-end inspection equipment is listed as a key development direction. This is a future development guide based on the current market situation.

The fields of biochemical immunity automatic assembly line, molecular POCT all-in-one machine, and automatic nucleic acid detection workstation are all areas that need to be further deepened.

3.    Microfluidics, single molecule sequencing track

On May 10, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Bioeconomic Development" proposed to carry out cutting-edge biotechnology innovation. Accelerate the development of high-throughput gene sequencing technology, promote the innovation of next-generation sequencing technology marked by single-molecule sequencing, and continuously improve the efficiency of gene sequencing and reduce the cost of sequencing. Strengthen the research and development of biological detection technologies such as microfluidics and high sensitivity.

4.    Maternal and Child Screening

Geriatric disease screening and maternal and child disease screening markets are two IVD markets that are related to people's livelihood. The National 14th Five-Year Health Plan mentions that it will focus on the fields of birth health and reproductive genetics, and related testing projects will usher in a period of rapid development

5.    Respiratory Pathogen Testing Market

The industries in this region are highly related to the COVID-19 epidemic, Chinese companies and investors are gradually focusing on this area. With the investment of enterprises and capital, there will be more room for development in the future, and it will evolve into a larger market.

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