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Wang Jianlin: Hang on a bit longer!

2015/9/8 16:35:42 Views£º1254

Wang Jianlin, CEO of Dalian Wanda Group be a guest in certain speech program whom shared his own growing and starting a business experience, and his reflections on life with the top of Only Persistence Makes You Success.

In the address, he shared his stories one by one: joining the army as a juvenile, hungry on the way of marching and camping then the old squad leader devoted a coup; insisting with a faith for his parents and won “five-virtue” title on the first year as a soldier; carving out the career at the beginning of 1980s, hanging on to his target after suffered from the supercilious look; lawsuits followed him every day in his business developing transforming period. Keeping on fighting in spite of all setbacks, finally he obtained success!

In the whole address, he cascaded his experience with the life reflections to a sentence: Only Persistence Makes You Success. He said “We must have the spirit of innovation, additionally we must possess the spirit of persistence. Never fear failure, men need to experience thoroughly tempered and go through fire and water. Not stop until we reach our goals, make a bridge or offer a ladder to cross the obstacle. Keep hanging on!”

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