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World Ovarian Cancer Day | China¡¯s Ovarian Cancer Diagnostics Market

2024/5/8 10:56:26¡¡Views£º173

Ovarian cancer leads the list of gynecological tumors in terms of death rate due to its high degree of malignancy, invasiveness and high recurrence rate.


According to the statistics released by the National Cancer Center in 2024, in 2022, there were 61,000 new cases of ovarian cancers and 33,000 deaths in China. 


For a long time, ovarian cancer patients face the dilemma in clinical practice: 70% of ovarian cancer patients are found in advanced stage; even after standardized treatment, 70% of ovarian cancer patients may recur within 2-3 years; 70% of patients have a survival period of less than 5 years.


Healthy China Action Cancer Control Implementation Plan (2023-2030) specifies that by 2030, the cancer control system should be further improved, the comprehensive control of risk factors, the capacity of cancer screening and early diagnosis and treatment will be significantly enhanced, the level of standardized diagnosis and treatment will steadily improve, the trend of increasing cancer incidence and mortality will be curbed, and the overall five-year cancer survival rate will reach 46.6%. 


At present, the five-year survival rate of ovarian cancer is 40.5%, only increased by 0.4% in the past decade.


In the case of ovarian cancer, quantitatively, the five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed at an early stage is close to 90%.


Over the past 40 years, traditional methods such as transvaginal ultrasound and tumor serum markers such as CA125 and HE4 have been limited by their low sensitivity (43.5-65.7%) for the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer.


In January 2024, an ovarian cancer detection kit developed and launched by 3DMed Diagnostics, was approved by NMPA. This is the world's first exosome-based ovarian cancer in vitro diagnostic product, with an overall sensitivity of more than 95%.


In December 2023, Roche¡¯s VENTANA FOLR1 (FOLR1-2.1) Antibody Test Reagent Real-World Research Project was officially launched at Hainan Hospital of Ruijin Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. 


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the consistency of VENTANA FOLR1 (FOLR1-2.1) antibody detection reagent for epithelial ovarian cancer tissue samples, to further assess its performance and effect in the actual clinical environment.


In July 2023, AmoyDx announced that it had signed a collaboration agreement with KuDOS Pharmaceuticals Limited, a subsidiary of AstraZeneca UK Limited. The homologous recombination deficient (HRD) test developed by AmoyDx will be used as a companion diagnostic used in the process of healing ovarian cancer patients in China with Olaparib.