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Single Molecule Sequencing Company Nabsys is Reported to Be Closed

2015/9/18 9:44:17¡¡Views£º1044

According to U.S.media GoLocalProv, single-molecule DNA sequencing company Nabsys has been closed. Their factory, which is located in Providence, has been shut down. According to other media’s reports, Nabsys haven’t answered any phone calls, and e-mail messages got no reply.

Nabsys platform using nano solid detector to analyze a single DNA molecules and reveal the long distance within the DNA sequence of the location and identity, suitable for genomic structural variation and genome mapping and DNA sequencing and other scientific research and clinical application. Earlier this year, Nabsys said it was working with Pharmaceutical Ariana to study structural variations in breast and prostate cancer.

Probe using sequencing Nabsys, when combined with single molecule probe and DNA can be detected. Each probe is composed of four DNA bases. When DNA passes through the hole in the solid chip, the position of the probe can be judged by observing the current changes. For the whole genome sequencing, the need for thousands of different combinations of probes. By combining multiple probes with different DNA sequences, the long fragment DNA can be obtained.

Nabsys was established in 2004, including the founder of brown university physics professor Xinsheng Sean Ling, Leon Cooper and Barrett BREADY. In 2005, the company obtained the intellectual property license for the development of nano hole technology in the Ling laboratory. A year later, it merged with another Venture Company, Brown University, GeneSpectrum. The company was founded by Oliver John, a chemistry professor, in the development of DNA hybrid technology.

2010, Nabsys in the study of USA national human genome (NHGRI) the meeting shows the proof of principle. Two years later, the company hired Rose NimbleGen, Stan's former CEO, as chief commercial officer. At the 2013 AGBT conference, it demonstrated its platform, and plans to launch in the second half of the market.

Nabsys has received a number of venture capital funds. In 2009, Nabsys received $4000000 in A round of financing. Then in 2010, it completed a $7000000 B round of financing. A year later, Nabsys received $10000000 in investment. And in 2013, it received $20000000 to support the commercialization of its platform.

In addition to the risk of investment, the company also received a number of government funded research. In 2007, it received a $500000 grant from the NHGRI "thousand dollars genome" program, which was approved by the U. S. Department of health and public services for $250000 in 2011.

Last time Nabsys updated Facebook is in November last year. And the last update of Twitter is in February this year.