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Top 10 Emerging Technologies in 2015

2015/9/14 15:44:04¡¡Views£º1037

World Economic Forum released the ten annual emerging technologies in 2015, including flying robots, imitated human brain chip and other ten major breakthroughs in technology progress.
This list is released every year by the world economic forum to select the most potential solution to the global long-term challenges of the world's technology and is designed to make people focus on emerging technologies and potential risks.
This year's ten big emerging technologies reflect innovation in improving people's lives, promoting the industry to change and maintain the earth's ecological aspects of the great power.
Ten big emerging technologies in this year are:
1.Fuel cell vehicles
2.Next generation robots
3.Recyclable thermosetting plastic
4.Precise genetic engineering technology
5.Additive Manufacturing technology
6.Naturally occurring artificial intelligence
7.Distributed manufacturing technology
 8.Unmanned aerial vehicle that can sensen and elude
9.Neuromorphic technology
10.Digital genome